A brow lift minimizes expression lines and other signs of aging in the brow region. It is typically performed in conjunction with facelift and eyelid surgery and skin resurfacing procedures. Also known as a forehead lift, this procedure:
Our dedicated, friendly staff can arrange for a consultation around the busiest schedules. This first visit is very important. You should come to your appointment focused on the matter at hand with a list of your expectations and concerns, as well as unguarded openness and honesty. Being up-front with Dr. Ridha is the key to a successful and safe procedure. With your active involvement, he can help you through every step of the process in confidence. Your first visit may include:
You will go into surgery with a detailed plan created by yourself and Dr. Ridha. Surgeries are unique to every patient, but most include the following steps.
Brow lift surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, which means you need to arrange for someone to drive you to and from surgery. Also, someone must be with you for at least the first night following surgery.
The procedure is performed while you are sedated or under general anesthesia. Depending on your unique procedure, your brow lift incisions may happen in a variety of places. An endoscopic brow lift uses a surgical video device and special instruments entering through small incisions within the hairline. This technique may include incisions in the upper eyelids to eliminate frown lines between, on, or above the bridge of the nose. A coronal brow lift requires an incision from ear to ear within the hairline.
In both cases, tissue and muscle beneath the skin may be repositioned, altered, and removed. With a coronal brow lift, excess skin is also trimmed.
Brow lift incisions are typically closed with removable and absorbable sutures, skin adhesives, surgical tape, and special clips. Additionally, brow elevation may be maintained using permanent sutures, small surgical screws, and an absorbable fixation device inconspicuously placed at the temple. Once healed, the incision lines are concealed within the hairline. Surgical incisions must not be subjected to excessive force, abrasion, or motion during healing. A bandage may be placed around your face to minimize swelling and bruising, and a thin tube may be used to drain excess blood and fluid from under the skin. Dr. Ridha provides easy-to-follow instructions to care for yourself after surgery, which include a follow-up visit.
After 5 to 10 days of healing, any sutures and clips are removed. Visible improvements from a brow lift appear as swelling and bruising subside, which may take several months. Incision lines fade within six months. Lifelong sun protection helps to maintain your rejuvenated appearance.
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm,
72 Railroad Place, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866